The Business of Trucking program was created for truckers to learn how to grow cashflow and build the life they want. For far too long truckers have invested into a truck which became their main source of income and have had zero support from business strategists who have ignored the fact that you are all business owners. It is time to change your mindset, that you truck is an investment. With any investment it is not enough to have one income source. When rates are down and fuel is up, you get squeezed. This program will allow you to break free from all of that.

The Book

Business-Strategy-Trucking, the book on leadership, strategy and the mindset needed to create the life you want in trucking.

Workbook & Audio Series

This is the complete M.A.P (Massive Action Plan) course series, which includes the workbook that follows the Audio series. This is a 3 Volume series that is a complete guide to take you from where you are now to where you want to be, and shows you how to perform each and every day to make sure you get to your destination on time.

Video Series

A 6 part video series that will help coach you and guide you to implementation of your plan.

Here Is What Carlson Has To Say

Carlson F. - Trucking Entrepreneur - Georgia


Hi, I’m Tony Bravata

I am a business strategist and coach, I work with business owners to create the overall strategy to optimize and grow their businesses. The business is not however my client, the owner is. Each Entrepreneur starts and builds a company because they want their life to be what they envision. The business is the tool that allows them to get there.

In 2019 I stepped into trucking by accident, not knowing anything about trucking. In the first 12 months I built a 7 figure cashflow trucking business and I realized that all of you truckers are business owners just like my clients. Only none of you were working with business strategists and similarly no business coaches were working with truckers. I set out to help each and every one of you build cashflow so you can spend time with your families and live life on your terms, understanding the Business of Trucking a little bit differently.

The First Ever Program For Truckers